
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Adventures on the East Coast: July Birthdays

July is all but over.  My little brother somehow turned 23 last week. I am almost done with my summer classes. I am totally looking forward to never having to take linguistics again. Camp is almost over and before I know it, it will be August and I will be the one turning 27.

This weekend it was my friend Laura's turn! Her birthday was golden because she turned 27 on the 27th. And we had a lot of fun. I can't believe how tan and blonde I am in all of these pictures that I jacked from her blog.

End of the night masquerade. 

Let's talk zombie novels. 

Don't know what I was talking about but I seem into it.

Sometimes you have to be THAT friend.

Sometimes, you find yourself back at the beginning

And sometimes you start laughing while someone is taking your photo.
I can't lie and say that the last year of my life was all that wonderful. It had it's good points, but it had a lot of ups and downs. As the summer started I felt like I was in such a depression over everything, but as the summer has gone on I feel as though I came back to myself. And that, I am now surrounded by people who are good, positive and loving. And most importantly, people that love me and care about me.

I couldn't say that a year ago. I was not happy with who I was or who I had around me, but now I feel like I am in an entirely new chapter of my life and I am excited to see what it brings.

Here's to my LATE twenties (when did that happen???). 

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